
Download the Biography in PDF format

I was born in Montreal where I now work and live with several cats and one human who thinks he’s a cat.

I earned my diploma of college studies of the arts in 1995, studied graphic design and became addicted to computers in 1996, then my mid-thirties crisis demanded in 2008 that I throw myself into more physical pursuits, so I became a horticulturist. I have since returned to computers and paintbrushes but my love of plants endures and I am past master at fitting yet another one in an already very densely green home.

A long break from painting reminded me of art’s importance to my life.

I sorely missed the work. As I am very introspective, painting helps me understand myself and my surroundings, calms my inner turmoil, opens me up to others via the sharing of my feelings and slices of my life, and fulfills my need for wonder. I began producing work regularly in 2013 and swore to myself I would never stop again. I have since had the good fortune to be part of many events and exhibits where I made fascinating acquaintances.

I am a representational painter and love telling stories, be they mine or someone else’s, memories or dreams, wherein I weave symbols and fantasy elements. I am especially fond of tarot cards. I tend to draft my loved ones and my cats as models.